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December 1972

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December 14, 1972: Apollo 17 astronaut Eugene Cernan becomes the last person to walk on the Moon

The following events occurred in December 1972:

December 1, 1972 (Friday)

  • India and Pakistan exchanged prisoners of war taken during the 1971 war between the two nations. In all, 542 Pakistanis and 639 Indians were repatriated.[1]
  • Died: Antonio Segni, 81, Prime Minister of Italy 1955-1957, 1959-1960; President of Italy, 1962 to 1964[2]

December 2, 1972 (Saturday)

Gough Whitlam
  • In elections in Australia, the Australian Labor Party (ALP), led by Gough Whitlam, won 67 of the 125 seats in the House of Representatives, to take control of the government from the coalition of the Liberal Party (headed by Prime Minister William McMahon) and the Country Party, removing the Liberals from a majority for the first time in 23 years. However, since the election was only for the House of Representatives, the DLP held the balance of power in the Senate. This in effect deprived the incoming Labor Government a Senate majority. Whitlam was sworn in as Prime Minister three days later and introduced dramatic economic, social and political reforms, including withdrawal of troops from Vietnam, freeing imprisoned draft protesters, and setting up ties with China, North Vietnam and East Germany.[3]
  • One of the most spectacular examples of a sinkhole was formed in a matter of hours in Shelby County, Alabama. The "December Giant", also known as the "Golly Hole", sank to a depth of 150 feet (46 m) and left a 450-by-350-foot-wide (140 by 110 m) crater.[4][5]
  • Died:

December 3, 1972 (Sunday)

  • Spantax Flight 275 crashed shortly after takeoff from Tenerife, killing all 155 people on board. Of the 148 passengers, 143 were West German travelers returning to Munich following the end of a South Atlantic Ocean liner cruise.[6]
  • Died: Bill Johnson, 100, American jazz musician

December 4, 1972 (Monday)


December 5, 1972 (Tuesday)

  • Screening of all passengers and carry-on luggage would be required in all American airports by January 5, 1973, under emergency regulations announced the United States Department of Transportation. Federal funds would pay for the equipment, and the additional personnel would be paid for by the airlines and airport operators.[11] There had been 29 hijackings in the United States in 1972. In 1973 there were two.[12]
  • A United States appellate court panel set aside a regulation that would have required airbags in motor vehicles made on or after August 15, 1975.[13]
  • A U.S. government spokesman, who asked not to be identified, announced that for the first time in United States history, the fertility rate had dropped below the zero population growth (ZPG) standard of 2.11 births for every woman, from 2.28 in 1971 to 2.04 in 1972.[14]

December 6, 1972 (Wednesday)

  • The United Nations, through UNESCO, voted to fund the restoration of Borobudur, a Buddhist shrine constructed in the 9th century in Indonesia. The work was completed in 1983.[15]
  • Died: Janet Munro, 38, British actress, died of alcohol-related myocarditis[16]

December 7, 1972 (Thursday)

The Blue Marble
  • Imelda Marcos, First Lady of the Philippines, was slashed repeatedly by a bolo knife–wielding assassin, who attacked her at an awards ceremony at the Nayong Pilipino theme park in Pasay. Mrs. Marcos required 75 stitches.[20]
  • Apollo 17 was launched from Cape Kennedy at 12:33 a.m. EST after a delay of nearly three hours. Carrying astronauts Gene Cernan, Ronald Evans, Harrison Schmitt, and five mice, the mission was the last crewed trip to the Moon for at least 50 years.[21] With an orbital trajectory that permitted a fully illuminated view of the entire planet, the crew snapped a famous image of the planet, colloquially called The Blue Marble.[22] After three hours, rockets were fired and the three astronauts of Apollo 17 became the last people for at least 50 years to go beyond the orbit of the Earth.
  • Born:

December 8, 1972 (Friday)

  • United Airlines Flight 553 Boeing 737 from Washington to Chicago crashed at 2:29 p.m. while attempting to land at Chicago Midway Airport during an ice storm. Killed were 43 of 61 people on board, and two people in a house at 3722 W. 70th Place. The dead included Dorothy Hunt (wife of Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt), CBS News reporter Michelle Clark, and Illinois Congressman George W. Collins. This was the first fatal crash of a Boeing 737.[23]
  • Florida became the first state, since the June 29 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Furman v. Georgia, to reinstate capital punishment. Governor Reubin Askew signed the bill into law a week after it had passed both houses of the State Legislature.
  • Dr. Mahmoud Hamshari, the PLO representative in France, was fatally wounded by a bomb, planted near his telephone by agents of Israel's Mossad, in retaliation for his suspected role in the 1972 Munich Massacre. After the explosive had been placed during Hamshari's absence, an agent telephoned him and asked enough questions to confirm his identity. The bomb was then detonated by remote control, possibly by a signal through the telephone line.[24]

December 9, 1972 (Saturday)


December 10, 1972 (Sunday)


December 11, 1972 (Monday)

  • People from Earth landed on the Moon for the sixth and last time, as the Apollo 17 lunar module Challenger touched down at 1954 UTC (1:54 pm Houston time) at the Taurus–Littrow crater.[31][32]
  • Soviet and Chinese soldiers clashed at the border, with several of the Soviet soldiers being killed.[33]
  • "Don't Buy Farah Day" was declared by the Amalgamated Clothing Workers union, which asked Americans nationwide to boycott the non-union Farah Manufacturing, in protest over low wages and benefits paid by one of the largest clothing makers in the United States. During the course of a strike that lasted from May 1972 to March 1974, Farah's sales dropped by twenty million dollars.[34]
  • Born: Daniel Alfredsson, Swedish NHL player; in Gothenburg

December 12, 1972 (Tuesday)

  • A boatload with 65 Haitian refugees, mostly black, landed in Florida, the first "boat people" to flee from Haiti to the United States. Landings were sporadic until 1978, when thousands of Haitians, fleeing the Duvalier regime, began seeking sanctuary in the U.S.[35]
  • MCA Inc. unveiled Disco-Vision, a videodisc system to rival RCA's SelectaVision. The picture quality was poor and the system never went on sale.[36]
  • Born: Chris Senn, professional skateboarder; in Grass Valley, California

December 13, 1972 (Wednesday)

  • North Vietnam's negotiators walked out of the Paris Peace Talks. President Nixon issued an ultimatum to the North Vietnamese to return to the talks within 72 hours, or face severe measures. On December 18, the United States began Operation Linebacker II, the most massive aerial bombardment ever made of North Vietnam.[37]
  • Born: Chris Grant, Australian rules football star; in Daylesford, Victoria

December 14, 1972 (Thursday)

  • Shortly after midnight Eastern Standard Time, American astronaut Eugene Cernan climbed into the lunar module Challenger, following after Harrison Schmitt, having been the last person to have set foot on the Moon for at least 50 years; the scheduled end of the Apollo 17 moonwalk had been 0433 GMT (11:33 pm December 13 EST). At 2255 GMT (5:55 pm EST), the cabin of the Challenger lunar module lifted off from the surface of the Moon with Cernan and Schmitt, to return to lunar orbit.[38]
  • Willy Brandt was re-elected as Chancellor of West Germany, needing 247 votes in the 493 member Bundestag, and receiving 269.[39]
  • Born: Miranda Hart, English comedian and actress; in Torquay, Devon.

December 15, 1972 (Friday)


December 16, 1972 (Saturday)


December 17, 1972 (Sunday)


December 18, 1972 (Monday)

  • Operation Linebacker II, described more generally as the Christmas Bombing and sometimes as "The Eleven-Day War", began at 2:51 pm as the first of 87 B-52 bombers, piloted by Major Bill Stocker, lifted off from Andersen AFB in Guam.[48] These were joined by 42 more B-52s flying from Thailand, along with 400 fighters and refueling tankers.[49] At 7:40 pm Hanoi time, from an altitude of 35,000 feet (11,000 m), the bombers began dropping their payloads on targets in North Vietnam, and were met by hundreds of SAM missiles and some MiG-21 fighters.[50] There were 121 bombing runs in the first 24 hours.[51]
  • Neilia Hunter Biden, the wife of U.S. Senator-elect (and future U.S. vice-president and President) Joe Biden, was killed in a traffic accident, along with the couple's 13-month-old daughter, Naomi. Mrs. Biden's car was struck by a tractor-trailer at 2:30 pm as she pulled into an intersection near Hockessin, Delaware. The Bidens' two sons, aged three and four, were injured.[52]

December 19, 1972 (Tuesday)


December 20, 1972 (Wednesday)

  • The last Australian servicemen to serve in the Vietnam War were brought home.[54]
  • Neil Simon's play The Sunshine Boys was first performed, at the Broadhurst Theatre on Broadway.[55]
  • The Northrop M2-F3, the "wingless airplane", made its final flight, achieving an altitude of 71,500 feet (21,800 m).[56]
  • Ten passengers on North Central Airlines Flight 575 were killed at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, after the DC-9 jet was cleared for takeoff on Runway 27L to Madison, Wisconsin at the same time that a plane that had just arrived from Tampa, Delta Air Lines Flight 954, a CV-880, was taxiing across Runway 27L due to an air traffic ground control miscommunication. Flight 575 collided with Delta Flight 954 at eight seconds past six o'clock in the evening, 44 seconds after it had accelerated for takeoff from O'Hare's Runway 27L. Specifically, the investigating agency concluded that the ground controller's statement "pull over to thirty-two pad" for holding, without specifying whether it was the 32R holding pad that the Delta CV-880 had rolled past, or the 32L pad on the other side of the runway.[57]

December 21, 1972 (Thursday)

  • The Grundlagenvertrag, or Basic Treaty, between the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), was signed in East Berlin after negotiations as part of West Germany's Ostpolitik change in policy toward its Communist neighbor to the east. The two nations agreed to "develop normal good-neighbourly relations" and to "reaffirm the inviolability now and in the future of the border existing between them", as well as resolving that "neither of the two States can represent the other".[58]
  • Died: General Paul Hausser, 92, Commander of the German Waffen-SS, activist in rehabilitation of former SS members, and Commander-in-Chief of the German Seventh Army in Normandy during D-Day[59]

December 22, 1972 (Friday)


December 23, 1972 (Saturday)

  • At 12:29 a.m., an earthquake of 6.2 magnitude leveled Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, and killed more than 10,000 people, destroyed 589 city blocks, and left 400,000 homeless.[63]
  • Braathens Flight 239, a Norwegian airplane flight from Ålesund to Oslo, crashed while attempting a landing, killing 40 of the 45 persons on board.
  • The Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Oakland Raiders 13–7, on a last second play that became known as "The Immaculate Reception". The term was used on WTAE-TV's 11 o'clock news by Steelers announcer Myron Cope, who gave credit to a fan, Michael Ord, for coining it, and Sharon Levosky, a friend of Ord's, who called Cope.[64] With 0:22 left, the Steelers trailed 7–6, and were at fourth and 10 on their own 40-yard line. Terry Bradshaw threw a pass that was deflected, and then caught by Franco Harris, who ran 60 yards for the winning touchdown.[65]
  • Died: Andrei Tupolev, 84, Russian aeronautical engineer and designer of more than 100 different types of Soviet aircraft[66]

December 24, 1972 (Sunday)

  • U.S. bombing of North Vietnam was temporarily halted for 36 hours at 8:00 am local time on Christmas Eve, although Radio Hanoi reported that raids had continued as late as 7:30 pm.[67]
  • Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, leader of the Pakhtoon people, was allowed to return to Pakistan after an exile of eight years, after he agreed to drop calls for an independent "Pakhtoonistan".[68]
  • Died: Charles Atlas (stage name for Angelo Sicilano), 80, American bodybuilder and developer of dynamic tension program sold by mail[69]

December 25, 1972 (Monday)

  • An unpublished decree took effect in the U.S.S.R., making it illegal for Soviet residents to meet with foreigners "for the purpose of disseminating false or slanderous information about the Soviet Union", a definition that covered most dissidents.[70] Confirmation of the decree's existence would not be made until more than five months later.[71]
  • Yuri Andropov, the Director of the KGB, recommended that the Soviet Politburo allocate $100,000 in U.S. currency to influence the March parliamentary elections in Chile. The Politburo approved the transfer on February 7, 1973.[72]
  • Born: Qu Yunxia, Chinese middle-distance runner and holder of the women's 1500 m world record (3:50.46) which stood for 22 years
  • Died: Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, 94, Indian freedom-fighter and the last Governor-General of India, from 1948 to 1950

December 26, 1972 (Tuesday)

  • In what has been described as the airstrike that "decided the entire air war over North Vietnam", Operation Linebacker II saw 220 American aircraft strike targets over a fifteen-minute period, destroying a missile assembly facility, and crippling radar stations and airbases. The North Vietnamese agreed to resume peace talks after three more days of bombing.[73] The bombings on the day after Christmas also destroyed residences and businesses on Hanoi's Kham Tien Street, killing 215 civilians.[74]
  • The Santiago, Chile, newspaper El Mercurio broke the story that the 16 survivors of the Uruguayan plane crash in the Andes mountains had turned to cannibalism to avoid starvation.[75]
  • The Soviet Union's governing Presidium approved an order changing the "Chinese-sounding names" of nine cities in Siberia that had been seized by the Russian Empire from China in 1860. Suchan, with 48,000 people, was renamed Partizansk, while Tetyukhi became Dalnegorsk and the mining and shipping town of Teyukhe-Pristan became Rudnaya Pristan (Russian for "Ore Port"). Iman became Dalnerechensk ("Far river") and Manzovka was redubbed Sibirtsevo.[76]
President Truman

December 27, 1972 (Wednesday)


December 28, 1972 (Thursday)

  • At the age of 20, Prince Vajiralongkorn was designated as Crown Prince of Thailand by his father, King Bhumibol Adulyadej.[83]
  • Kim Il Sung, who was already (since 1948) the Prime Minister of North Korea and General Secretary of its Workers' Party, became the nation's first President, when the office was created as part of a new Constitution.[84]
  • Born:

December 29, 1972 (Friday)

Artist's rendition of Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 before its crash
  • At 11:42 p.m., Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 crashed into the Everglades in Florida, killing 101 of 176 on board.[86] The cockpit crew had been preoccupied with checking the L-1011's landing gear when a light on the instrument panel had failed to come on. Distracted, nobody realized that the autopilot had become disengaged, and that they were slowly losing altitude. The last recorded words were the co-pilot saying "We did something to the altitude. We're still at 2000, right?" and the pilot responding, "Hey, what's happening here?" [87] Ghosts of the dead are said to have been seen by others, as described in John G. Fuller's bestseller Ghost of Flight 401.[88]
  • Edward Lorenz proposed the now-famous butterfly effect in a paper delivered to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, entitled "Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in Brazil Set Off a Tornado in Texas?" [89]
  • Life magazine's final weekly issue carried the December 29, 1972, date, though it was on newsstands the week before, the first issue having been on November 23, 1936.
  • The U.S. Army received its last draftees. After the close of the Vietnam War conscription of Americans into the service ceased, and all services were composed of volunteers.[90]
  • The takeover of Israel's embassy in Thailand, by Palestinian terrorists, ended peacefully after intervention by Egypt's ambassador and Thai officials. The four Arab gunmen, granted safe passage to Cairo, released their Israeli hostages, including the ambassador. Before everyone departed, the Egyptian and Israeli ambassadors, the four gunmen and five diplomats all ate dinner together inside the embassy.[91]
  • Died: Joseph Cornell, 69, American sculptor and philosopher

December 30, 1972 (Saturday)

  • The "Christmas Bombing" of North Vietnam was halted by order of U.S. President Nixon, after the North Vietnamese agreed to resume negotiations with Henry Kissinger beginning on January 8.[92] A total of 20,370 tons of bombs were dropped on North Vietnam over eleven days.[93] The North Vietnamese government reported later that 1,318 civilians had been killed in Hanoi during the air raids, including 28 at the Bach Mai Hospital.[94]
  • Born: Kerry Collins, American NFL quarterback; in Lebanon, Pennsylvania

December 31, 1972 (Sunday)



  1. ^ "Developments in the Subcontinent— The Post-Bangladesh Phase", by Mohammed Ayoob, in Self Reliance and National Resilience (Abhinav Publications, 2003), p18
  2. ^ "Italy's Segni Dead At Age 81", Baltimore Evening Sun, December 1, 1972, p.A1
  3. ^ King, Jonathan (2009). Great Moments in Australian History. Allen & Unwin. pp. 287–288.
  4. ^ Fisher, Arthur (July 1973). "Science Newsfront". Popular Science. p. 28.
  5. ^ Friend, Sandra (2002). Sinkholes. Pineapple Press. p. 21.
  6. ^ "Holiday Jetliner Disaster Kills 155", Oakland Tribune, December 4, 1972, p3
  7. ^ "Honduras President Is Ousted". Oakland Tribune. December 4, 1972. p. 6.
  8. ^ "Vast Hunt on For Missing Merced Boy". Oakland Tribune. December 8, 1972. p. 30.
  9. ^ Stammer, Larry (March 3, 1980). "2 Kidnapped Boys Found; 1 Was Missing 7 Years". Los Angeles Times. p. 1.
  10. ^ Echols, Mike (1991). I Know My First Name Is Steven. Pinnacle Books. p. 36.
  11. ^ "U.S. Order To Deter Hijacking", Oakland Tribune, December 5, 1972, p1
  12. ^ Amitai Etzioni, The Spirit of Community: The Reinvention of American Society (Simon & Schuster, 1994), p168
  13. ^ "Court Bars Care Airbags Use in 1975,", Oakland Tribune, December 5, 1972
  14. ^ "U.S. Births Go Below Zero Rate", Oakland Tribune, December 5, 1972, p1
  15. ^ UNESCO Report
  16. ^ "Death". Canberra Times. 8 December 1972.
  17. ^ a b "Vietnam Lotteries", U.S. Selective Service System
  18. ^ "Draft Boards call numbers 1 to 95", Jersey City (NJ) Journal, December 7, 1972, p.1, p.4
  19. ^ "Most 19-Year-Olds Won't Get Draft Calls Next Year", Tulsa (OK) Daily World, December 21, 1972, p.B-5
  20. ^ "Assassin Tries to Kill Marcos' Wife", Oakland Tribune, December 7, 1972, p1
  21. ^ "Apollo in Fiery Trip To Moon", Oakland Tribune, December 7, 1972, p1,
  22. ^ Ron Vernon, Beneath Our Feet: The Rocks of Planet Earth (Cambridge University Press, 2000), p8
  23. ^ "Chicago Jet Toll Grows To 55 Dead", Oakland Tribune, December 9, 1972, p1; "3 area residents reported dead, 4 missing, 7 homes destroyed in crash that killed 45", Southtown Economist (Chicago), December 10, 1972, p1
  24. ^ Ami Pedahzur, The Israeli Secret Services and the Struggle Against Terrorism (Columbia University Press, 2009), p43
  25. ^ "Month-Long Search of Arctic Climaxes in Pilot's Rescue". Salt Lake Tribune. December 10, 1972. p. 1.
  26. ^ "Louella Parsons, Gossip Columnist, Dies", The New York Times, December 10, 1972, p.85
  27. ^ "Tanaka Party Retains Japan Rule", Salt Lake Tribune, December 11, 1972, p1
  28. ^ Jonathan Power, Like Water on Stone: The Story of Amnesty International (Northeastern University Press, 2001), pp113–114
  29. ^ Keith Elliot Greenberg, Pro Wrestling: From Carnivals to Cable TV (LernerSports, 2000) pp61–62
  30. ^ Russell O. Wright, Dominating the Diamond: The 19 Baseball Teams with the Most Dominant Single Seasons, 1901–2000 (McFarland, 2002), p141
  31. ^ Eugene Cernan with Don Davis, The Last Man on the Moon: Astronaut Eugene Cernan and America's Race in Space (St. Martin's Griffin, 2000)
  32. ^ "Apollo 17 Lands on Moon— 'We Is Here'", Salt Lake Tribune, December 12, 1972, p1
  33. ^ Raymond L. Garthoff, Détente and Confrontation: American-Soviet Relations from Nixon to Reagan (Brookings Institution, 1994), p358
  34. ^ "Farah Strike (1972–1974)", in Latinas in the United States: A Historical Encyclopedia (Indiana University Press, 2006) pp249–250
  35. ^ Felix Masud-Piloto, From Welcomed Exiles to Illegal Immigrants: Cuban Migration to the U.S., 1959–1995 (Rowman & Littlefield, 1996), p115
  36. ^ Albert Abramson, The History of Television, 1942 to 2000 (McFarland, 2003), p148
  37. ^ Walter J. Boyne, The Influence of Air Power upon History (Pelican 2003), p338
  38. ^ "'We're on Our Way,' Shout 2 Astros Leaving Moonship", Salt Lake Tribune, December 15, 1972, p1
  39. ^ Heinrich August Winkler, Germany: The Long Road West, 1933–1990 (Oxford University Press, 2007), p283
  40. ^ W. Langeraar, Surveying and Charting of the Seas (Elsevier, 1984), p587
  41. ^ "Equal Pay Case 1972", Fair Work Australia website
  42. ^ Stephen Cox, The Munsters: A Trip Down Mockingbird Lane (Back Stage Books, 2006) p.44
  43. ^ M.S. Gill, Human Rights, Human Wrongs (Sarup & Sons, 2004), pp87–88
  44. ^ "Space Trio on Their Way Back", Salt Lake Tribune, December 17, 1972, p1
  45. ^ "Small Plane Hits Houses Near Buffalo, 6 Killed", Elmira (NY) Sunday Telegram, December 17, 1972, p.1A
  46. ^ "Loss of Six Left This Back Sick!", Salt Lake Tribune, December 18, 1972, p31
  47. ^ "GangPreventionServices.com". Archived from the original on 2010-07-01. Retrieved 2009-11-30.
  48. ^ Brig. Gen. James R. McCarthy; et al. (1985). Linebacker II: A View from the Rock. Office of Air Force History. p. 52.
  49. ^ Christy, Joe (1994). American Aviation: An Illustrated History. Tab Books. pp. 278–279.
  50. ^ Toperczer, István (2001). MiG-21 Units of the Vietnam War. Osprey. p. 76.
  51. ^ "Bombers Raid North, Sustain Heavy Loss". Salt Lake Tribune. December 19, 1972. p. 1.
  52. ^ "Sen.-Elect Biden's Wife, Child Are Killed In Crash". The Daily Times. Salisbury, Maryland. December 19, 1972. p. 1.
  53. ^ Global Environment Outlook 3. Earthscan. 2002. p. 292.
  54. ^ Wilson, David (2005). The Brotherhood of Airmen: The Men and Women of the RAAF in Action, 1914–Today. Allen & Unwin. p. 186.
  55. ^ Simon, Neil (1973). The Sunshine Boys: A Comedy in Two Acts. Samuel French, Inc. p. 3.
  56. ^ Reed, R. Dale; Lister, Darlene (2002). Wingless Flight: The Lifting Body Story. University of Kentucky Press. p. 150.
  57. ^ NTSB Report Number: NTSB-AAR-73-15
  58. ^ International Law Reports (Volume 78), (Cambridge University Press, 1988), p153
  59. ^ "General Who Led Germans in Normandy", Daily Telegraph (London), December 23, 1972, p.11
  60. ^ Adventure Island website
  61. ^ Đặng-Thùy-Trâm (2007). Last Night I Dreamed of Peace: The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram. Harmony Books. p. 32.
  62. ^ "16 Survive for 10 Weeks High in Andes After Air Crash—Rescue Effort Starts". Salt Lake Tribune. December 23, 1972. p. 1.
  63. ^ "Quake Levels Managua", Oakland Tribune, December 24, 1972, p1; Bernard Diederich, Somoza and the Legacy of U.S. Involvement in Central America (Markus Wiener Publishers, 2007), p93
  64. ^ "Backtalk: An Immaculate Explanation of the Truth" by Myron Cope, New York Times, December 21, 1997
  65. ^ Lew Freedman, Pittsburgh Steelers: The Complete Illustrated History (MBI Pub. Co., 2009), p78
  66. ^ "Top Soviet air designer dies at 84", Vancouver Sun, December 23, 1972, p.11
  67. ^ "Nixon Lengthens Halt in Bombing", Oakland Tribune, December 25, 1972, p1
  68. ^ M. G. Chitkara, Mohajir's Pakistan (APH Publishing, 1996), p34
  69. ^ "Charles Atlas, Famous Muscleman, Body-Builder, Dies at 80", Philadelphia Inquirer, December 25, 1972, p.1
  70. ^ Schroeter, Leonard (1979). The Last Exodus. University of Washington Press. p. 33.
  71. ^ Seeger, Murray (May 30, 1973). "Soviet Law Cuts Contacts by Foreigners". Los Angeles Times. p. I-5.
  72. ^ Andrew, Christopher; Mitrokhin, Vasili (2005). The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World. Basic Books. p. 80.
  73. ^ John Darrell Sherwood, Fast Movers: America's Jet Pilots and the Vietnam Experience (St Martin's, 1999), p. xix.
  74. ^ William S. Logan, Hanoi: Biography of a City (University of New South Wales Press, 2000), p170.
  75. ^ "Plane Crash Cannibalism Triggers Questions, Anger", Oakland Tribune, December 27, 1972, p1
  76. ^ "Chinese Names for Towns in Siberia Are Eliminated", by Theodore Shabad, The New York Times, January 28, 1973, p.2
  77. ^ "Death Ends Colorful Career Of Ex-President Truman", Salt Lake Tribune, December 27, 1972, p1
  78. ^ Kil, Sŭng-hŭm; Moon, Chung-in (2001). Understanding Korean Politics: An Introduction. State University of New York Press. p. 327.
  79. ^ Lee, Chong-sik (1976). "The 1972 Constitution and Top Communist Leaders". Political Leadership in Korea. University of Washington Press. p. 192.
  80. ^ "Unleaded Gasoline Ordered for 1974". Oakland Tribune. December 28, 1972. p. 1.
  81. ^ "Crash Kills 19 on Church Ski Bus". Oakland Tribune. December 27, 1972. p. 1.
  82. ^ "Prime minister and peacemaker Pearson is Dead", Toronto Star, December 27, 1972, p.1
  83. ^ Thailand Country Study Guide (International Business Publications, 2007), p48
  84. ^ Jürgen Kleiner, Korea: A Century of Change (World Scientific, 2001), p281
  85. ^ "Adam Vinatieri - Official New England Patriots Biography". Archived from the original on 1 September 2007.
  86. ^ "170 Aboard In Florida Jet Crash", Oakland Tribune, December 30, 1972, p1
  87. ^ aviation-safety.net
  88. ^ The Ghost Of Flight 401. John G. Fuller. 1976.
  89. ^ Edward N. Lorenz, The Essence of Chaos (University of Washington Press, 1995), pp181–184
  90. ^ Jerold E. Brown, Historical Dictionary of the U.S. Army (Greenwood Press, 2001), p11
  91. ^ "4 Arab Terrorists Free Israelis, Fly to Cairo"
  92. ^ "Peace Talks To Resume—Nixon Halts Bombing", Oakland Tribune, December 31, 1972, p1
  93. ^ Strategic Air Warfare: An Interview with Generals Curtis E. LeMay, Leon W. Johnson, David A. Burchinal, and Jack J. Catton (Office of Air Force History, 1988), p126
  94. ^ "North Vietnam Says 1,318 Died in the Raids on Hanoi", The New York Times, January 5, 1973, p. 3
  95. ^ Celoza, Albert F. (1997). Ferdinand Marcos and the Philippines: The Political Economy of Authoritarianism. Praeger. p. 50.
  96. ^ Lentz, Harris M. (2014). "Andorra— Heads of State". Heads of States and Governments Since 1945. Routledge. p. 31.
  97. ^ Riess, Steven A. (2006). Encyclopedia of Major League Baseball Clubs. Greenwood Press. p. 323.